Thursday, June 15, 2006

okay clearly everyone is waiting for me to make another post.. so i'll make one.. i am a new and improved timmy's ho.. yep thats right.. i now... work at tim horton's with what seems like everyone else in the damn world. gosh. and its bloody crazy there.. i mean it. i work there every weekday from either 7am-3pm or 8am-4pm [depending on whether or not i have rowing at 6 in the morning or not] but thats a whole 'nother story. i never really appreciated the people at tim hortons before but i have a whole shit load of respect for them now.. its.. how shall i say.. INSANE there during the day.. like nuts. worse than safeway on christmas.. [mind you i am still working there on weekends.. do not fret little ones] and i am starting to get to know some of the regulars there.. which is actually pretty cool. and the people are awesome.. what a great bunch.. even monica.. haha or 'moronica' as kate likes to call her.. im not that good at my job yet.. but i manage.. slowly learning so i can rock the show! haha and today was the first payday from there.. it was AWESOME! haha i love money its grandular.. and it was payday at safeway.. SWEET! two in one is definately amazing.. i just don't know if im going to be able to save it.. ah.. we shall see i guess.. since i definately need this money for the dominican next year.. which is going to be amazing with my two best friends by my side. ah yes.. life right now is tiring but good... and my chinese food is here.. and im going shopping with kate in a bit [hence that whole saving money thing.. haha] well later days


jamie* said...

Thanks for tonight Sar.
You have NO idea how much I needed that.
I heart you and I'm so going to miss you!
Write you lots though!! lol.

Kate said...

hahaha I don't know how you can stand Monica. I hate her... and Sandy. But everyone else I pretty much love... Just don't mention anything to Dale... he might feel the need to hug you or something... *shudder* he's a creeper. Nice though hahaha

nodontshoot said...


I guess I should perhaps update my blog, too... Hmmmm...

EllyzR said...

hey, safeway at christmas was fun while cashing. Im crazy i know. ;)
You Hoe!

West Beach said...

wheresw the new one?

Kate said...

So... today is July 19... over a MONTH since you last updated! MY GOD Sara! If I didn't know better I'd think you were dead! Since I know you aren't, I'm expecting another post pronto.

Kate said...

...isn't it ironic that when you made this post you were just starting at Timmy's, and now you're giving your notice? and still haven't posted? hahaha

Jordan Diederichs said...

That's not Ironic Kate... thats not even close to Ironic, lol.