Saturday, November 18, 2006

Constant Reminders of You

Dear Carter Emde, Now, I know that you may never read this, but that is not the point. I needed to write this to finally get it off of my chest. I want to thank you Carter, for all of the good times that we shared, because now, I've been able to forget the bad. I know the time that we spent together was special for both of us, and though it may not have ended the way that I envisioned, I'm truly glad that it happened. What prompted this rather minute thank you? Well, it seems that of late I have been engulfed in a constant state of recollection. Meaning, I find reminders of you everywhere. You Carter, are constantly on my mind. Why? The reason is quite uncertain but I'm sure in time that it will present itself in it's shining glory to my somewhat resistant mind. This is really of no matter, since I believe that I am finally at peace. Some things were said tonight among three good friends that made me ponder our relationship, or what is left of it. Earlier on in the night I was presented with a rather peculiar question, "Even though there was the bad, do you still love him enough to ever take him back?" I shall always be ready to give you another chance, now, before I caricature my weakness to the world, please let me explain why. You really were a light in my life, not the light mind you, but one of those special people that come into your life that brings joy with them. And even though those around me failed to look through the imperfections, you were perfect to me. I learned from you, and I do believe that this, in turn, has made me a better person. In lack of something better I shall quote Britney Spears, "I'm Stronger, Than Yesterday." Everyday my strength increases, my knowledge, my power, my self confidence. I am becoming the woman that I want to be and I partially have you to thank for it. If it weren't for the many things that we shared, I wouldn't be the person I am today. Before you, I was shrouded in a fog of naivety. Not to infer that I was intellectually inferior in any way, but more inexperienced as were you. We learned from each other, grew together, and finally apart. Those experiences we shared, words whispered into a euphoric haze, those moments of excitement, wonder and learning.. I thank you for all of them, for, without you they would not have been possible. Thank You Carter Emde, my one first true love. For the days that I will always remember and the nights that I will never forget. You can be sure this is ended with love, just as it was started.. And sealed with a tear. Yours Truly, Sara Start later days..


Kate said...

Sara that was beautiful.

jamie* said...

a) I agree with Kate.

b) Thanks love. <3 I'm sure I'll talk to you sooner or later. Your comment meant a lot to me.

Anonymous said...

to quote another song, which artist I forgot, "you are and always will be a phenominal woman"

I am glad you are you!

(and now I sound like a kindergarten teacher, oh well)