Wednesday, November 15, 2006

It's Just, A Little Crush.. Right?

"It's just, a little crush. Right?" Well it would seem, that I have a bunch of little crushes lately.. I find that pretty interesting. Watch out world, the old Sara is back in business. For those of you who knew me in elementary school, you will know what I mean. Boys, boys, everywhere.. And you know what? I like it. It's fun to finally be 'back in action' as it were. Few of them are new guys, some are older friends.. But not that old. Crushes can only mean one thing, that I'm finally good with what went on between Carter and myself. And well, crushes are a whole bunch of fun. Blushing when that person comes in the room, late night giggles with girlfriends and even just the feeling of puppy-love induced happiness. I'm feeling it all ladies and gentleman, and it feels good. Some of these crushes are even layovers from when I was dating Carter. I know, I know.. "You had crushes when you were dating?!" And the answer is yes. I had quite a few actually, but I would never act on them, you all know that. Before they were "harmless little work/sports/friend/rowing crushes" and now, well, they could definately blossom into something more than that.. If given the chance to grow, that is. And it doesn't help that he has the most gorgeous smile I have ever seen.. *Swoon* Ahh.. Marvelous.. Just thinking about it makes me all happy and smiley. I like it. I'm finally back to the old Sara, I realize that it took a rather long time and I really appreciating all of you waiting as long as you did. Now.. I must figure out how to get what I want.. later days..


nodontshoot said...


jamie* said...


This could lead to be interesting... the saga of Sara Start...

Chelle said...

I like it... Lots. lol Cause I like to giggle...
But do you "feel a sin comin' on" ?