Monday, November 27, 2006

Major Breakdown

Well I had my first major breakdown today. I thought I was all over Carter and everything was fine, then I went to send him a text message and something strange happened. It was sent back to me. Apparently he changed his cell number again and for some odd reason, this distressed me. Actually, sent me into hysterics would be a better term. Why? I think I know the reason... Maybe because I'm not over him and pretend like I am so people will leave me alone. When really, all I want is to be held by the person I know that I'm still in love with and whose body I conform perfectly to. That is probably it. I'm still completely in love with him, and I can't get myself to just move on. I still have unfinished business and I honestly can't make myself believe that he doesn't feel for me anymore. I don't know, I'm probably just completely blinded by this naivety, but I don't care. I really, really want him back. More than anything right now. And yet, when in his company, I freeze. Really. I can't do ANYTHING, it's actually ridiculous. It brings me back to the days of Ty Foreman, except this time I actually know what it's like to touch, kiss and love this guy. It's been a long time since I've cried this much. When I see him I really just want to scream "LOVE ME! PLEASE JUST LOVE ME LIKE YOU DID!" But I can't, I won't. I refuse to show him my weakness. Especially since he is getting along just fine. God, his MOM misses me more than he does. ...It hurts.. later days.


Kate said...

Aw sweetie... This must be hell for you. But remember, you'll find somebody eventually that will love you like you deserve to be. Because you love so much, you deserve somebody that will love you back, and would rather die than leave you. You'll find him. I have complete faith that you will. But in the meantime, remember that your friends care, and wouldn't just abandon you. We haven't yet, and don't ever plan on it. It's not the same, but we care. You don't need to fake being okay. We won't hate you for showing us how you feel.

Jordan Diederichs said...

Sara, none of us can really pretend like we know what you're going through. Even though I don't necessarily understand it, I'm still here for you. Whatever you need, let us know.

Some people come and go, but you're going to have to beat us off with a stick to make us leave.

nodontshoot said...

Buck up! If it's not all good, it's not all over!

startsky said...

Excuse me?

Remind me to hit you the next time I see you Kayla. Clearly you have no heart.

Feel free to not comment on here anymore.


nodontshoot said...

Holy damn. I meant that as a nice thing, but if you think I have no heart then I will not be speaking to you anymore, if that's what you want.