Thursday, December 21, 2006

Love It

Omg this is the funniest thing I've ever read, it was an email but I/Michelle decided that I should blog it instead... Leave me your sentences!!! Pick the month you were born: January----I kicked February---I loved March------I smoked April-------I dry humped May--------I choked on June--------I murdered July---------I did the Macarena with August------I had lunch with September--I danced with October-----I sang to November--I yelled at December---I ran over Pick the day (number) you were born on: 1-------a birdbath 2-------a monster 3-------a phone 4-------a fork 5-------a Mexican 6-------a gangster 7-------my cell phone 8-------my dog 9-------my best friends' boyfriend 10------my neighbor 11------my science teacher 12------a banana 13------a fireman 14------a stuffed animal 15------a goat 16------a pickle 19------your mom 18------a spoon 19------myself 20------a baseball bat 21------a ninja 22------Chuck Norris 23------a noodle 24------a squirrel 25------a football player 26------my sister 27------my brother 28------an ipod 29------a permanent m arker 30------a llama 31------A homeless guy Pick the color of shirt you are wearing: White-------because I'm cool like that Black--------because that's how I roll Pink---------because I'm NOT a homosexual. Red---------because the voices told me to. Blue---------because I'm sexy and I do what I want Green-------because I hate myself Purple-------because I'm cool Gray---------because I was drunk Yellow-------because someone offered me 1,000,000 dollars Orange ------because I hate my family Brown-------because I was high Other-------because I'm a ninja None--------because I can't control myself

Monday, December 18, 2006

I Learned To Love

"You're not going to remind him why he loves you by staying away.
Nothing worth it is ever easy."
Two simple phrases, make you wonder don't they? "Have I tried as hard as I could?" And yet, it doesn't work that way.. You can't make someone love you, you can't force yourself on someone. It only produces resentment. So why exactly does it come down to the two simple phrases time after time?
It's either they love you or they don't, so why do we hope? Once it's done you should believe them right? Wrong. The hope, no matter how minute in size, is still there. Always, just waiting for its opportunity to poke up its head. And with it, it brings the discontent. The doubts, the "what if"s. My God do I hate the "what if"s. You always know what to do when you look back, "Man I should have said THAT" or "If only I wouldn't have...", you know them. The thoughts in the back of your mind, that seem to penetrate your very soul. Ah, if we only had the power to turn back time. Life would be simpler, or would it?
If you could change things, would you? Or do you think that we are better off with the choices we have made, and the consequences for them. I believe everything is a learning experience, but what I have learned from this one I'm not quite sure of yet. I'm sure it will expose itself in time.
So, am I going to try? Am I going to give it my one last shot? No, I'm not, because someone once told me that everyone has a purpose in your life, you learn from everyone. No matter how small of a part they play in the grand scheme of things, you won't always notice it, but you will learn.
With you I learned how to love.
later days...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Somethin' About Christmas Time..

WARNING! - I highly suggest that a certain Grinch/Scrooge should not read this post, for it is filled with Christmas Spirit. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
"There's something about Christmas time, makes you wish it was Christmas everyday.." Ah yes, there IS something about Christmas time. The build-up, the carols, MAN! I love it. All of it. There is nothing like being forced to go shopping, to lighten the mood. Just when the year is at it's worst... BAM! Christmas shows up and you are bombarded with family, friends, presents, eggnog and turkey.
Hot damn. Turkey is killer, no serious. It kills.. Ever heard of 'turkey farts'? No? Okay my Dad like coined the phrase. My god, that man, I swear. Rank. But I love Christmas anyway.. Also, when thinking of turkey and all the good food that you will be partaking in on this Merry Little Holiday, remember that there are people who can't. People who don't have enough food, so drop off a little something to the Food Bank one day. Guaranteed that will make you feel amazing.
Hum your favorite Christmas carol one day, heck, I do it everyday! Actually, on Sunday, when I was playing basketball I started singing when I was throwing in the ball. I did it without even realizing.. Haha it was priceless.. The look the ref gave me.. AWESOME!
Hmmm I'm rambling.. I just realized that, so I'm going to go to bed..
Merry Christmas-Time Everyone!
Love you all
later days..

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Girl Who Eats Her Feelings

It's official.. I've become a 'girl who eats her feelings.' I ate an entire boston cream cake while watching 'First Daughter' and bawling like a child. God. Why is this stupid thing so hard... I'm going to gain so much weight. I just enjoy being miserable I think. Some things that made me cry during the movie... "If things were different, I would still follow you around all the time, not because I had to, because I wanted to." "At the end of the day, the Prince always is and always will be.. just a Prince." "I loved who I got to be with him, even though I didn't do anything amazing, for me it was. I felt like I knew myself for the first time, Love? That too." Oh hopeless romance, I miss it. Honestly, girls, if you want a good cry, watch that movie.

Monday, December 04, 2006

All I Want For Christmas Is You

Ah yes, the holidays are fast approaching, and there are hints in the air. No wait, those are the copious amounts of Christmas carols being blasted through the radio, mall hallways, grocery stores, you name it. But before I label myself as a “Grinch” I will take the time to say that I really do enjoy this time of year. Today especially. Today wasn’t really anything special, I mean, I got to sleep in because I didn’t have my Sociology class today (or until January 2007 baby!), I handed in my Shakespeare essay that was due, and went shopping with my Mom, then later on with Gerrit. It was just a regular day, but somewhere in there I was filled with Christmas spirit. It’s the season for giving team, and I say that we all do something Christmassy and spectacular. A one night Christmas extravaganza! “Faithful friends, who are dear to us, gather near to us, once more!” We should reserve one night, for all of us, and just watch old Christmas movies, go sledding, drink hot Chocolate and spend an evening in front of a fireplace. We are getting older now and its okay for us to be nerds like that. Well, as the carol says, “All I want for Christmas is you” but I’m still unsure as to who the “you” is. I used to think it was Carter, but now I really don’t know, but I have a feeling that this holiday break is going to be amazing. Everything will fall into place for all of us. Some lessons will be learned, but I know we will survive, together as a group. A united front against anything that crosses us. Jamie, I want you to know that you are in my prayers and those of my family, and I really wish you the greatest Christmas ever. I think we are due for a Christmas miracle, most of all you. And just remember that I care, so please keep me posted, because in my short time of knowing you, Sue has become a good friend to me as well. Your whole family has. Well that’s about all for me in post land, I wish all you guys a Merry Christmas if I don’t see you, but remember, just because we aren’t in school doesn’t mean we can’t hang out together! later days