Monday, February 19, 2007

Guardian Angel

"I come to you because no matter what you make me feel safe, you make me feel like no matter what I have done in my life there is always that one person that knows exactly what to say whether it good or bad, kinda like a guardian angel. Every person has one and I like to think of you as mine."
This was said to me by one of my good friends, one that you would consider a bag person. I asked him why he always come to me for advice, since he is also one of my ex boyfriends. That was his response.
I'm still not completely sure of what to make of the comment, because the advice I give him is usually something to the extent of romantic advice, what to do with 'this girl' and 'that girl' etc. And yes, the advice I give him isn't always the best, and the opinions I share aren't always the nicest, but he always thanks me for it and for my honesty.
I wonder, what is left for me to learn from this person? If everyone comes into your life for a reason, I'm pretty sure that his has past, so I'm not entirely sure what's left.
All I know is that I'm the most sarcastic Guardian Angel out there.
later days..


Kneeboarder said...

Everyone does come into your life for a reason, at least that's what I think.

nodontshoot said...

That post made me smile. Seriously. Internet things don't usually do that to me. You rawk my sawks, Sara Jean <3

Kayla Jean

Jordan Diederichs said...

I also believe that everyone comes into your life for a reason, maybe not a specific reason, but at least for some general purpose.

Your oldest/best friends are the ones that take the longest to accomplish this purpose and in doing so you learn even more from them.

Kate said...

Time for and update darlin. If I can update from Philadelphia, you can update too.