Monday, May 08, 2006


so last night.. i was on my computer just sitting around.. when i get this email from zorpia [kind of like nexopia] from this chick who is apparently a model.. and she was saying how her company would love to have me come down to niagra to model for them.. umm.. wtf? first of all... its me.. and thats just kind of weird. second of all.. niagra falls? third of all.. i haven't even HEARD of this modelling agency she talks about.. soooo pretty much a plan to lure and rape people i think... here is the conversation.... [destiny = me] .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: ummm hi samantha says: hi ... samantha says: wassup .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: haha nothing getting ready for bed.. .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: i actually feel really weird about adding you.. not really sure why i did samantha says: wanted to chat with me, you were curious, natural .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: lol yeah i guess .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: so you are a model? samantha says: yes, we are an agency in denmark samantha says: we show cars, gadgets, computers at fairs .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: oh i gotcha samantha says: i thought you were looking great in your pics, you have young cheeks, your eyes are great, distinctive eyes set your face apart from the norm. our film department is going with some new teams of people for north america magazines .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: i see .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: lol well i don't really think im cut out to model stuff .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: lol im just a regular girl samantha says: you are a regular girl, but that sells, you have the charm of next door susie making cupcakes .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: haha well thanks i guess .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: thats weird.. susie is my nickname.. .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: lol samantha says: who streaked your locks .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: oooh my hairdresser .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: shes great samantha says: buzz, she did a good job, you look fabulous [okay.. buzz? who the fuck says buzz.. i ask you that] .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: thank you .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: im going to her really soon to get it re-done samantha says: oh good, well, i am not trying to make you selfconscious, do not be shy because i am looking at you, you have impressed me already, be yourself .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: well thanks i guess .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: so you live in canada? samantha says: yes, in canada, at a municipal bird sanctuary, we have some offices .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: bird sanctuary? .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: where abouts is it? samantha says: niagara falls .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: oh sweet .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: my aunt and uncle live near there samantha says: there's no nicer place to live than here! .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: i actually really like it in saskatchewan .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: nice wide open spaces samantha says: what a pretty description of saskatchewan .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: yeah its awesome here .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: lol so how did you get involved with this modelling? .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: im just super curious because my friends always bug me about becoming a model and i thought they were just messing with me samantha says: no one is messing with you. your friends are right. come to niagara falls. we will meet you right off the bus and give you accomodations. we will pay you twelve hundred dollars and we will pay for your return fare home okay.. wow.. like what the hell is she talking about.. i mean.. 1200$ bucks? hello.. im down.. now if it only wasn't a scam... .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: ahh i don't think that my parents would let me go really.. and i have a job and whatnot that i can't really get away from samantha says: you have commitments and respecting your parents is an important one. what kind of job do you have .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: i work at a safeway here in saskatoon full time. .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: and you know.. friends and boyfriend .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: i would never go by myself ever. .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: whats the name of this agency? samantha says: jillbeth [aaaaaaaaaaaand i researched it.. couldn't find SHIT on this thing.. lies. all lies.] .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: oh nice samantha says: we are putting people in the united states and canada, for film and magazines .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: thats really cool samantha says: you are one fly chick, i saw your profile pics and they blew my top. how do compliments make you feel? .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: umm bewildered .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: lol samantha says: you are so real and sweet, you are open, you genuine, you have a great warm heart .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: well thanks .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: and you can say that without even actually knowing me? samantha says: not body language or environment, i have taken your zorpia at face value .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: thats fair samantha says: you did a good job, that is all, this is just girl talk .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: true enough .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: so how old are you samantha says: 18 samantha says: been modelling since age seven samantha says: first with some girls in new york .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: oh i see.. haha you don't really talk like an 18 year old samantha says: an english teacher taught me to talk, he couldn't teach me to model .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: so where did you grow up then samantha says: buffalo .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: well you are a bit of a way from home then aren't you samantha says: yeah, i go on msn with my family every night letting them know everybody is going great .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: well thats good then samantha says: they are supersupportive of me .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: thats good .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: i could never do that samantha says: i am sure your parents love you to pieces .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: lol yeah .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: i couldn't be away from them for a long time samantha says: if you made an excuse, when you were gone, you would not be missed, you would get away with it okay crazy chick.. why don't you just say.. "i have a plan to rape and kill you.. but don't tell your parents." .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: i don't need to get away with anything .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: jeopardizing the trust that i have with my parents, friends and boyfriend is something that i wont do when it took so long to gain samantha says: there's no such trust without long hard earning .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: yep .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: and it can be broken way to easily samantha says: ok, the next hour is here, when do you want to go to bed? .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: well i still have to wash my face .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: so soon most likely .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: i guess i'll have to talk to you tomorrow or some other time samantha says: good night .°`ďәstïńy`°. [.*.Carter.*.] -confusion?- says: good night soooooo i'm pretty sure this chica wants to like.. rape me.. yep.. pretty sure.. later days.


jamie* said...

We don't like chicks that want to steal and rape our Sara.
No we do not.

Jordan Diederichs said...

AWK-WARD, that is kinda creepy... kinda REALLY creepy. I guess if you go missing we know the first place to look.


What an Adventure that would be.

Jamie and Jordan go to Niagra falls to save Sara from uber-crazy-lesbian-rapist-cerial-killer-robots.

Maybe Kate can come to... I guess.


Katherine said...

YIKES! definatly sounds like she/he (cus you never really know who thoese crazy people are) is out to get your sara!! STAY AWAY FROM THE MODELING AGENCY IN NIAGRA FALLS!

Kate said...

my guess is he's a 37 year old Engilsh teacher/creepy carny guy/rapist. He makes a living out of getting girls to come to Niagra Falls and becoming his prostitutes. Pretty much the creepiest thing ever.

And on the going to Niagra falls to save you with Jordan and Jamie? Naw. I'll go with you in the first place so we can kick some creepy ass!

jamie* said...

Tee Hee.
That girl/man/it won't know what hit her/him/it...

Haha..... carnies...

EllyzR said...

OK yeah it got sketchy. I agree. lesbian rapist. Or just 40yr old man rapist. I say you go to check it out and take like a huge prarie posse. "Prarie People" RAWR!!! hehehe! wait for me!! *running*

jamie* said...


I miss you more then I miss Michelle lol.

Jordan Diederichs said...

Sara I didnt mean the comment on Kate's blog for YOU. That was aimed at Alex for the night before.

Not Eff me, Eff Alex.

IM SORRY!!!!!!!