Saturday, October 14, 2006

All things aside it was a great night.

For me.. last night was great.. with some exceptions. First of all I would like to apologize to everyone about last night, especially Gerrit. But let me make something very clear, I do not believe I have done anything wrong. Some things were misinterpreted, and some people's pride left bruised, but not one single individual is to blame. This my friends, was definately a group effort. For those of you who have known me for a considerable chunk of my life should have realized my obvious jest. As you all know, sex is not something I take lightly. Think about it, it took me 10 months to even have sex with my boyfriend. I don't believe in casual sex, or sex with my good guy friends. WHICH MEANS When I talk about sex with you, I am JOKING. [excluding in depth conversations with Kate, Michelle or any of the other female counterparts]. I figured sex was a safe topic to joke about with my good friends, but apparently not. Apparently god damn well EVERYTHING is taken literally these days. But what really bothers me the most, is the fact that it was actually expected from me. A friend. Without any actual concern for MY feelings on the matter. They were not taken into account at all. So Jordan, Alex and Gerrit, you know what this means; you will never, EVER get anything sexual from me. Anything I say will be a joke, just to clarify. And now that i have made myself perfectly clear, I would like to address Jordan's "stirring the pot." Let's never fucking do it. It's because of that stupid idea that all of this shit happened in the first place. And I'm not just blaming Jordan. All of us do it at some point. So let's stop. This group does not need any more god damn drama. We have enough without turning each other against everyone. And, as for the 'predictions', well someone is leaving though it's not the obvious choice. Since I seem to cause all the problesm, I will take my leave of all of you. That's right. If you're so god damn sick of me I won't come around or talk to you anymore. As instructed by Gerrit, I won't talk to him specifically. Since I fuck up his life something horrible it seems. Well, I'm tired and very sick of all the political bullshit that goes on in this group. Everyone talk behind everyone else's back, and I'm sick of it. I'm very confident that I was a popular topic of conversation whilst I was at the overdrive. We call ourselves friends... the 'lush' squad. Well that all went to hell a long time ago. And for the record, I would never date anyone in this group. I would rather gouge out my ovaries with a splintered wooden spoon. So there you have it, love me or hate me, or just be indifferent towards me. I don't care. I don't have time to deal with everyone else's shit on top of my own. I know it may not seem like it, but I love you guys. later days.


Kate said...

Sara, don't go saying you'll take your leave of all of us. It was earlier yesterday that I said the exact same thing and you got mad at me for being over-dramatic. Same goes here. I'm not sure what went down in the Sara-Gerrit conversation, but that was Sara and Gerrit. Not Sara and everyone. Gerrit's opinions. We all have our own. You probably should have caught on that Gerrit believed it, but regardless, I'm done talking about this. That's all I'll say on the matter.

Also, I had a good night as well. Obviously apart from some unpleasantries, but it was very enjoyable.

Katherine said...

hmm i wish i could have been there, i was honestly planning on going even ask kayla and michelle, but then some stuff went down that i would rather not talk about so i definatly missed out. Sara if you wanna take a leave from the group i think you should....but it better not include or getting to school, because i could defiantly not handle that! We should chat some time and get all thiis crap sorted out! love yea!

Chelle said...

You know I love you. I think sometimes we are ALL over dramatic. it happens and we all deal with it and move on.
I was at the OD and I think you handled the whole thing amazingly.

Jordan Diederichs said...

I stir the pot far too much. In addition, I talk about... most of you behind your backs, but it's nothing serious. The thing you have to keep in mind is that each one of you has, at some point said something about someone else behind THEIR back. ALL OF YOU.

Sara, in regards to everything that went down: I was drunk, so I couldn't tell if you were serious or not. But I will say this in your defense, you DO joke about sex all the time, with me and Alex, and neither of us has ever taken it seriously the way Gerrit did. At the same time, I think it should have been more obvious to you that he WAS taking it seriously. Basicly I agree with what you said, no single person is to blame for last night.

Lastly, thanks for pointing out that it's NOT just me that likes to stir the pot. I'm just the only one that admits to it.

I really hope that you decide to not take a "leave" of us. But, in the end you gotta do what you gotta do.

Peace Out

Jordan Diederichs said...

PS - Sara, I never have, nor will I ever expect ANYTHING sex related from you.

But gouging out your ovaries?

That hurts, hahaha.

jamie* said...

Especially a wooden spoon...

Seems I missed an interesting night...

nodontshoot said...

Holy man. Stop being emo. I love you, but saying that you'll take your leave of all of us is lame. LAME!

PS: Please don't beat me up. You intimidate me.

Love, Kayla.

Alex said...


Since when have I ever WANTED anything sexual from you? Also, when have I EVER either stirred the pot or cared that the pot was stirred. To be totally honest, and hopefully not offensive, your somewhat immature rantings are vaguely reminiscient of a child crying because she hasn't got an ice cream. I am your friend, but slagging us in an open forum is neither mature nor entertaining and, to tell the truth, I am offended by your comments towards both myself and my friends. If I ever make cracks online, they are both in good humour and entertaining. This post was neither.

If you are mad at me, tell me, don't blast me online. I wouldn't do that to you.

EllyzR said...

Sooo out of the loop. So i shall simply say..
Sara we are overdo for a good catching up.. Werll besides Friday night since I was there and totally oblivious. Wee!
We must phone/mail/msn sometime soon!


Kate said...

Alex, don't lie. You blast people online all the time.

Alex said...


Maybe I do blast people online but
a) I NEVER use names if I am flaming someone and;

b) I do it in a fashion that is both good natured and clever. If the people who I am "flaming" can't take a joke, fuck them.

GerFer said...

Ok so I think i'm long overdue for a statement in this whole ordeal so here it goes. So im sure 'some' you are wondering what happend so
I will answer questions in a short Q and A format :)

Q)"Did you have a sexual affair with Monica Lewinsky/Sara Start?"

A)"Yes with Monica not with Sara."

Q)"At any time were you and Monica Lewinsky alone together in the Oval Office/Your bedroom?"

A)"YES,YES,YES many a time....Booyah grandma"

Q)If she told someone that she had a sexual affair with you beginning in November of 1995, would that be a lie?
A)"Yes because I was eight years old."

"I want to say one thing to our group of friends. I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again. I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Sara Start. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time – never.
These allegations are false. And I need to go back to work for the American people."

GerFer said...

Seeing as though my last comment was a bit immature I will try to redeem myself and be serious for once. If you go though life and don’t get any dirt on you, you obviously aren’t trying hard enough, not everything is ‘Peaches and Cream’. I have apologized to Sara as she had to me and everything is A ok now. Like a few have said before, this was a group effort, and I don’t believe any one person is to blame, however some were affected more than others. This was an awkward misunderstanding and I think it’s safe to say we can move forward :) . As John Lennon once said "I get by with a little help from my friends."

Kate said...

Gerrit, get a blog. Please and thank you.

startsky said...

this is for comments about the blog..
not to each other..

and I can do it because its myyyy blog.

so there.

Jordan Diederichs said...

Sara, I'm prettys sure you're going to take the award for

"Most Commented on Blog"

this year.

We shall see, haha.

startsky said...

I'm pretty sure I win.

West Beach said...

and im pretty sure i dont know whats going on.. so hi..
im Raegan. :)