Sunday, October 29, 2006

Girl's Become Lovers..

I don't know why, but I have been in a rather mellow mood of late. One thing I blame is John Mayer, which in turn leads me to blaming Gerrit. Damn you Gerrit. Ever since that ride home with you and Katherine I can't get John Mayer out of my head. His lyrics hit home for me, and I find it extremely annoying. Another reason for my impending melancholy is my want of physical intimacy. Let's get something straight, that does not mean sex. I miss the nights spent on the couch with someone you care about. Doing nothing, but feeling warm and safe. I yearn for the closeness I once shared with someone I felt connected with. I'm quite fed up with being single now, I've done my time. I'm ready to jump back in the dating game. But, as I am ready, it seems that no one will take the plunge with me. "I know a girl, she puts the colors inside of my world. She's just like a maze, where all of the walls up continually change." It drives me insane when love is flung into the lap of those who do not appreciate it, not that this as anything to do with the lot of you, but I believe you should be informed as to my change of heart. And, I also realize that all of you [for the most part] really disliked Carter, but, I ask you to refrain from commenting on him. As I have already told Jordan, it hurts me more than I can actually express when you tell me all of the horrible things you did/talked about when I was with a person I loved. I realize that I can do better than him, but don't think for one second that I was settling. There was something there that none of you will ever understand, and your comments are unwelcome, so please keep them to yourself. I laughed it off before, but do not think that I will anymore. Now, as I have said, I am on a quest. But, I won't be going out much anymore. I think it's time that I actually tried to get ahold of my life before it reels out of my control. So please forgive me as I become a recluse, but it is necessary. "I've done all I can to stand on the steps with my heart in my hand." later days.


Kate said...

Aw Sara. I'm sorry I said some mean things. I shall stop completely. I wasn't his biggest fan, but I did (eventually) like him for the fact that he made you happy.
Becoming a recluse is a forgivable offense. Just remember to come out once and a while or I'll be unimpressed.
Remember we all love you. And want to you to be happy. In whatever or whoever that is.

startsky said...

thanks sweetie.. <3
and remember, the fact that i'm becoming reclusive in no way means i don't still love you guys.
cause i do.

nodontshoot said...

Heehee you said 'yearned'.

I love you.


jamie* said...

"It drives me insane when love is flung into the lap of those who do not appreciate it"

So true... so undeniably true...