Tuesday, October 03, 2006

more to come?

well.. after the post of last night... [see ohmygodohmygodohmygod] Gabe and I did alot of talking.. on the phone for an hour! haha it was a good talk.. he doesn't reciprocate my feelings for him.. but that's totally cool.. he's already one of my super good friends, and i'm so happy that we can stay friends after my freakyness. haha yeah Gabe is great. he came over tonight as well actually.. we just chilled out.. and ate leftovers. haha which is weirdly something that we just.. do? and man can that boy eat. my god! lol. but i mean.. who wouldn't? my mom's dips are pretty much the most amazing things i've ever tasted. anyway.. on a different note.. i'm sick once again for fucks sake. can i not go through ONE season without getting sick?! i don't think so. i think i have to get sick at least four times a year. god it sucks. im sneezing everywhere.. and I don't even have time to talk about my nose. haha. i hope you all catch it. and once again... i work thursday. so.. looks like the branch is out.. AGAIN! &%$#%%^&&***&^^^^motherfuckingsonofawhore! i miss my cowboys. sniff sniff. i better get un-sick soon. dangit. I BLAME SOCIETY!


jamie* said...

Thank you for making me feel better Sar!

Kate said...

I also work Thursday. Also, Dana's birthday is the 19th. Definitely Branch. Everyone has to come, I don't care what your excuses are. You know over 2 weeks in advance, get your homework done earlier, book it off work, whatever. Just be there. I think it shall be tres fun!

jamie* said...


You will have the second hottest blog out there.

Boo ya.