Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Some Words of Advice

“[we] are always frightened of the drowned one, where weeping ghost, wet hair hanging and skin bloated, waits silently by the water to pull down a substitute.” (Maxine Hong Kingston) I used to have a friend like this, a ‘drowned one’. They were not drowned literally of course, but more so engulfed in their own self deprecation. This person had the lowest self esteem I have ever encountered, even lower than myself, which is really quite hard. This person seems dead set on dragging everyone else down into the miry cesspool of their life, and if you refuse to join them, they merely shaft you out. They call accuse them of being immature, disloyal and excommunicate you from their life. Well, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m glad that flagrant violation of friendship has dispersed from my life. I will not miss them, nor will I make any contact with a person so innately childish, that it pains my soul. Someone so insecure with themselves, they get angry when you don’t break standing plans to hang out with them, when you don’t want to anyway! This person seems completely complacent with wrecking everyone else’s life, or at least making them feel like less of a person when they are around. They are a ‘downer,’ they make happy, fun times, depressing and dramatic. And no matter how many times they say that they are ‘never talking to you again’ they always come crawling back, like a cracked out hooker in withdrawal, in need of their last junkie fix.
“In every circle of friends there is a whore, the one who flirts and does a little more”
(Cute Is What We Aim For) You Ridiculous attention whore. You are not content unless everyone feels sorry for you and your self-inflicted pathetic life. Here are some words of wisdom from myself. 1. Get over yourself, you aren’t that important anyway. 2. If you don’t change, you won’t have ANY friends left. 3. No one can stand you. 4. You are the only one making your life hard. You surround your life in a haze of anger and hatred. Get rid of it, you will be happier. 5. Find someone that loves you, that can actually change you back to the person you used to be, one I actually enjoyed being around.
You know who you are. later days


Jordan Diederichs said...

Holy Anger Batman

nodontshoot said...


GerFer said...

Wow girls fight dirty. Prob because 'Tom' shows up every month. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

Woah Sarah! Haha, Why does angry outburst always seem so funny? Oh And gerfer, careful where you say that orus ladies wil beat you up, Tom or no Tom! (btw, we are allowed to be angry without Tom being involved ;) )

West Beach said...

Im glad you feel that way about me!

Im not a depression. Im a happy and better person than i will ever be and i do have friends. and people do care about me. Actually im quite certain ur mom and dad do so. Why dont u get over your self and stop trying to make others feel bad. ok Bye.

startsky said...

clearly I said attention whore.
clearly you can't read...

and i learned from the best on how to make other people feel like shit raegan.
because you did it to me on a daily basis.

and you can leave my parents out of this dear. because you are the only one who turns their parents against other people.

West Beach said...

maybe u should shut ur trap then.

nodontshoot said...

Yikes! No offense, Reagan, but I'm glad I'm not friends with you because you are so full of drama I'm sure I would smack you quite often!