Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Well Now..

Hmm, I haven't posted in a while.. Haha basically a month since anything of actual substance was posted anyway.. So I think it's time for an update on my holidays.. School was done Dec. 4 for me.. Yes I know you all hated me because I had no finals, but whatever I know that you'll get over it. December was filled with work, and lots of it really. Also, spending far too much money. Yikes. Christmas was fantastic, I love family Christmii [fuck you all that's my plural for Christmas], they are what I really look forward to all year. My whole family bombing down to my house on Christmas Day, getting drunk, eating excessively and playing shinny. Also there are always the relatively bitchy comments from my Auntie Ag who is like.. 90 years old and well.. Very cranky.. Haha but I love her anyway. This year there was alot of nintendo played by all, and excessive drinking done by myself and my cousin Jordan. It was quite the fabulous time, I love all my cousins and I don't really understand how people can dislike family... But I mean, everyone has different situations so it's understandable. Boxing day was spent at Table Mountain with my entire family, plus Ben Smale and my cousin Coryn. [Yeah I know, it's strange that Ben came, but he pretty much always does] It was SO MUCH FUN! The weather was awesome, and I got to try out my new jacket and whatnot. Ben is always super fun to hang out with.. And we came out of the day with a few good inside jokes.. "Why don't you break another binding!?", "Why don't you lose another iPod!?!" ahaha.. Too much fun.. We bicker like an old married couple, which is cool. Now I'm totally looking forward to going on Jan 27 with Jackie and everyone, it should be fantasmic! Um... Oh yeah, New Years. Well, you all know I just really hate New Years in general.. And this year once again solidified that hatred. But that's okay, everyone else had a great time which is really what mattered... And I was glad to have to work the next day. Now school has began again, and everything is back to semi-normal.. Almost. later days.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Christmii is like penii...