Thursday, January 25, 2007

Women Aren't the Only Ones With PMS..

In this blog I feel it's necessary to comment on what I have aptly named the "Circle of Bitch" (CoB), also known as the "Gay Man's Rage". This amazing phenomena has the power to reduce entire groups of friends to walk on eggshells when the CoB is present. The mere mention of the CoB causes some people to shudder in fear, but I'm definately not one of those people. I also think it's important to mention that this in no way makes me love you any less, it's just something that has gone on way to long and needs to stop. ASAP. In my honest opinion, this bastardized male version of PMS has gone on long enough. I'm sick and tired of counting the weeks until it's my turn to be subjected to these childlike conniptions. And when you confront it head on, asking what's wrong all you get in return is "Don't talk to me." Well that's helpful, half the time no one even knows why they are being subjected to this lunacy, so there is really no way that we can try and solve it. I'm not saying I'm perfect either, when it comes to mood swings I'm the queen. But, when my PMS comes around, I don't take it out on one person and try to make them feel like shit, and I certainly don't get the perverse pleasure that you seem to out of berating your friends over no good reason. My suggestion? Communication. For God's sake just talk about it, if something is really bothering you enough to resemble a "Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie" feud, you know something is wrong. Everyone is intelligent enough to work through it without you acting like God all the time. So please, get over yourself and stop subjecting people to your immature bitch-fits all the time. later days.

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