Monday, April 02, 2007


Alright, It came to my attention an acquaintence of mine who I talk with on a semi-regular basis, (who shall remain nameless) didn't actually know my name. So he called me 'baby'. Personally, I found this hilarious. 'Baby'? Honestly? That's really the best you can come up with? If you're going to pretend to be Rico Suave, try something that has a little artistic flair to it, like, 'I don't know your name and therefore am a complete fucking moron'. 'Baby' has been done to death. Now, for all of you guys out there who think that you can constantly call a girl 'baby' or 'babe' and she won't think something is up, you've got another thing coming. Unless of course she's a frequent passenger on the short bus, then by all means, 'baby' away. Just don't expect anything more than the spittle flowing from the side of her mouth as recognition. And furthermore, just because you call a girl 'baby' doesn't mean she'll jump into the sack with you either. And if that's your only pick up line, I really hope you have a large bottle of hand lotion by your bed, I would suggest St. Ives. (Darling, if you read this, I'm very sorry. But I'm impressed that you do actually remember who the fuck I am when we talk. Kudos to you) That is all. later days


Katherine said...

I totally agree with you Sara, except that Riley calls me's more like a nickname and a only sometimes, more when he's been drinking, but I think he can be the exception!

Chelle said...

you called me "baby" after you wrote this. i was tres amused. The we later decided that it was funny and i love you.