Sunday, April 22, 2007

Grad 07, A Tribute to Jessica.

Well, Jess had her 'prom' on Saturday night, and all I can say is Wow. She looked so gorgeous and fabulous it still has me reeling.. She was honestly the most beautiful girl in the entire place. I guess it's time for me to face the facts, my sister isn't my little shadow anymore. She is honestly the most gorgeous person I have ever had in my life.. I know most of you won't understand what it's like until your siblings get there, but then again, not everyone is as fortunate to have a sibling that they can share everything with. I love Jess with all of my heart, and I'm so glad that I've been able to watch her grow up. Watching her that night, and how she was happier than I've ever seen her before made such a huge impact on me, I suppose you could say that she definately is the caterpillar that turned into a butterfly. I hope that she knows, that she makes me proud of her every single day, and that I'm so blessed to be her sister. Sure, I steal her clothes, yell at her, poke fun at her expense, but when it all comes down to it, I worship this girl. She has taught me so much and is my best friend in the whole wide world. I love ya Jessica, and hopefully you remember that night forever, because I know that I certainly will. Jessica, I just want you to know, that you are the rock that I stand on. You keep me sane in time of insanity, and you keep me grounded when I let myself fly too high. I hate to sound cliche but you are my pillar of strength. I know that I can come to you with anything and you will try to help, without judging me. And I hope you know that I will always be there to do the same.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


You kiss me like an overdramatic actor, who's starving for work, with one last shot to make it happen..
(-The Academy Is)
He is, well, he's beautiful. I guess that's my downfall, beautiful men that just don't give a damn. "Frankly Scarlet, I just don't give a damn!" But really, when I think about it, why do I let him treat me like he does?
Because he knows I'll come back you see, he's not stupid. He just knows that when it comes to him, I'm the stupid one. Sure, I'll be mad for a little while, but all it takes is some sweet-talkin' and a few 'heartfelt' apologies and promises, and I'm back to infatuation before you can say 'gullible'.
Ah yes, the bad boy. Gotta love him, dispite all his faults, he sure knows how the work the ladies. I never thought that I would find the semi-alcoholic, promise-breaking type attractive, and yet here I am.. Obsessing again.
Oh well, I'm sure I'll learn someday, but until that time comes, I'll just keep on letting him slowly break my heart.
later days..

Monday, April 02, 2007


Alright, It came to my attention an acquaintence of mine who I talk with on a semi-regular basis, (who shall remain nameless) didn't actually know my name. So he called me 'baby'. Personally, I found this hilarious. 'Baby'? Honestly? That's really the best you can come up with? If you're going to pretend to be Rico Suave, try something that has a little artistic flair to it, like, 'I don't know your name and therefore am a complete fucking moron'. 'Baby' has been done to death. Now, for all of you guys out there who think that you can constantly call a girl 'baby' or 'babe' and she won't think something is up, you've got another thing coming. Unless of course she's a frequent passenger on the short bus, then by all means, 'baby' away. Just don't expect anything more than the spittle flowing from the side of her mouth as recognition. And furthermore, just because you call a girl 'baby' doesn't mean she'll jump into the sack with you either. And if that's your only pick up line, I really hope you have a large bottle of hand lotion by your bed, I would suggest St. Ives. (Darling, if you read this, I'm very sorry. But I'm impressed that you do actually remember who the fuck I am when we talk. Kudos to you) That is all. later days

Monday, February 19, 2007

Guardian Angel

"I come to you because no matter what you make me feel safe, you make me feel like no matter what I have done in my life there is always that one person that knows exactly what to say whether it good or bad, kinda like a guardian angel. Every person has one and I like to think of you as mine."
This was said to me by one of my good friends, one that you would consider a bag person. I asked him why he always come to me for advice, since he is also one of my ex boyfriends. That was his response.
I'm still not completely sure of what to make of the comment, because the advice I give him is usually something to the extent of romantic advice, what to do with 'this girl' and 'that girl' etc. And yes, the advice I give him isn't always the best, and the opinions I share aren't always the nicest, but he always thanks me for it and for my honesty.
I wonder, what is left for me to learn from this person? If everyone comes into your life for a reason, I'm pretty sure that his has past, so I'm not entirely sure what's left.
All I know is that I'm the most sarcastic Guardian Angel out there.
later days..

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

.. Too Much Like a Guy..

Since I haven't posted in awhile I figure that it's update time. For those of you who didn't know, [which is probably none of you] I have had two serious crushes since I dated the bouncer, who doesn't really count in my book anyway. The first one was on Lance, which obviously didn't work out because he wanted to be just friends. Fine, that's cool by me. The second one however was on Mike. Now, this one was rather interesting, I knew that he was almost seeing some other girl, but you know me, I like a challenge. So I was just myself with him, went to movies, played nintendo, went for coffee, and eventually he told me that he did really like me and was thinking about dating. What can I say? I was pumped. He is super cool, tall, amazingly funny and just all around a pretty sweet guy. So yesterday, I asked him if he wanted to do something that night, he told me no because he has alot of laundry to get ready for his trip to Sunshine, which is understandable. Well when he got home and talked to me on msn, he asked if I wanted to do something, of course I said sure. We were trying to figure out what to do when he says "actually I think I'm just going to stay home with the family tonight." Uh. WTF? Then he goes on to say how I'm the 'coolest chick' he knows but I'm too much like a guy to date. Uh.. EXCUSE ME? I'm sorry that I like to play nintendo, watch action movies, like teenage mutant ninja turtles and stuff like that? Honestly, wouldn't a guy prefer a girl that can hang out with the guys that one that has to whine whenever she doesn't get her way? Christ. Men. Shit like this seems to be happening quite a bit and I really don't understand it. Any input into this situation would be much appreciated. later days..

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Women Aren't the Only Ones With PMS..

In this blog I feel it's necessary to comment on what I have aptly named the "Circle of Bitch" (CoB), also known as the "Gay Man's Rage". This amazing phenomena has the power to reduce entire groups of friends to walk on eggshells when the CoB is present. The mere mention of the CoB causes some people to shudder in fear, but I'm definately not one of those people. I also think it's important to mention that this in no way makes me love you any less, it's just something that has gone on way to long and needs to stop. ASAP. In my honest opinion, this bastardized male version of PMS has gone on long enough. I'm sick and tired of counting the weeks until it's my turn to be subjected to these childlike conniptions. And when you confront it head on, asking what's wrong all you get in return is "Don't talk to me." Well that's helpful, half the time no one even knows why they are being subjected to this lunacy, so there is really no way that we can try and solve it. I'm not saying I'm perfect either, when it comes to mood swings I'm the queen. But, when my PMS comes around, I don't take it out on one person and try to make them feel like shit, and I certainly don't get the perverse pleasure that you seem to out of berating your friends over no good reason. My suggestion? Communication. For God's sake just talk about it, if something is really bothering you enough to resemble a "Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie" feud, you know something is wrong. Everyone is intelligent enough to work through it without you acting like God all the time. So please, get over yourself and stop subjecting people to your immature bitch-fits all the time. later days.

Sunday, January 21, 2007


Well, the first sledding escapade of the year was this past Saturday, props to everyone who came out. It was actually wicked amounts of fun, we should all do it again sometime because well.. it was hilarious, follwed by hot chocolate [or coffee] and movies at someones house. Anyway, here are the pictures from my camera, I still need to get the ones from Jackie, especially the ones of Jessica and I on those bumps ahahahah... Starting from the end of the night, because well, that's how it got put on here and it took way to long to fucking change it all around anyway. So Enjoy.

Oh man, right after Jess and I went over those bumps.. eff that.

Alex's power stance Yes! Jackie was our Photographer thanks to her knee getting screwed.
Kate likes to hump things I find.. Like me..
Probably the most retarded picture of me ever.. thats cool
Haha "the crew"
Man, that saucer flew. Outrageous.
Nice try Jessica, but we see your face.
Look at these two hotties.. cmon now
There was alot of this going on that night... hahah
Yep, I'm jacked.
I think, he was trying to touch my boob.. Not certain.. But pretty sure.. lol
Jess likes Doggy Style hahah
We are so gangster.
That was a long friggen walk.. Dang.
No Idea what Kate is doing there...
Ride 'Em Cowboy!
Hot A-Mac, very hot.
I look so retarded.. Like all the time..
Man that sled is like, 7 years old.. Frick and it didn't even break...
This is the beginning of the end. Haha..
Well I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did, and I suggest we all go next time, because God was that fun.
later days.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Yesterday was a great day! School was interesting (we got to watch some... well basically dutch porn in Sociology, but that's not why I'm posting). I told some of you about my date with the bouncer, some of you I didn't but that's okay, you get to hear about it now. First though, I'll give you some background information. I met the the bouncer two Saturdays ago through Jackie (she works with him at co-op) at the Pat. I thought he was pretty hot, kinda of short but generally just hot and nice haha. I figured if he would show interest in anyone it would be either Jackie (because he already knows that she's awesome) or Michelle (for obvious reasons I don't need to point out), so I just passed it off as nothing and went about my business. Well apparently he found me extremely cute, which Jackie promptly told me during that night and well, I was flattered. So at the end of the night I said it was nice to meet him and we went home. Sometime this past week Jackie told us that we had to go back to the Pat just this past Saturday and to be perfectly honest, I was kind of excited to go back. I mean, if he thought that I was cute there was no harm in... becoming cuter was there? Well anyway back to the story. Michelle and I showed up at about 10 and it was pretty dead in there, but being the amazing fun-havers that we are just sort of pissed around. The bouncer came to the smoke doors at about 10:30 and I worked up the nerve to go talk to him. He didn't remember me, ouch. But it was understandable, I was wearing my glasses and my hair up, so no harm no foul. He finally figured out who I was and promptly told me that I'm much cuter with my glasses on and my hair up. The night progressed, and after much flirting he asked me if I wanted to do something sometime.. uh.. DUH of course I did. So he got my number and whatnot and we made plans for monday. Okay, so here is the actual date. I went over to his place at 6pm and we went for a fairly long walk up and down the river, just asking each other questions and telling each other stories. It was really sweet. I found out that he is actually good friends with Chris Barkway. For those of you who understand what that means, yeah, we were both pretty weirded out by that. We got back to his place, and decided to watch a movie. What movie did we watch you ask? Scarface. Haha which was totally awesome because I definately have never seen it before. And what did we do during the entire movie? Talk more. He is such a sweetheart, he told me about how he grilled Jackie about me and other things that I won't mention. After Scarface was done it was about 10pm so we decided to watch another movie, and he asked me to come to his Christmas party thing for the Pat with him.. We watched Dazed and Confused. He picked that one because I told him that I loved it. Awww. And there was actual physical contact during that movie! We actually cuddled, and it was fantastic. Anyway, the night ended and he walked me to my car, it was completely innocent and adorable. I think he's exactly what I need right now.. and I'm seeing him again on Wednesday... Sigh.. later days..

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Well Now..

Hmm, I haven't posted in a while.. Haha basically a month since anything of actual substance was posted anyway.. So I think it's time for an update on my holidays.. School was done Dec. 4 for me.. Yes I know you all hated me because I had no finals, but whatever I know that you'll get over it. December was filled with work, and lots of it really. Also, spending far too much money. Yikes. Christmas was fantastic, I love family Christmii [fuck you all that's my plural for Christmas], they are what I really look forward to all year. My whole family bombing down to my house on Christmas Day, getting drunk, eating excessively and playing shinny. Also there are always the relatively bitchy comments from my Auntie Ag who is like.. 90 years old and well.. Very cranky.. Haha but I love her anyway. This year there was alot of nintendo played by all, and excessive drinking done by myself and my cousin Jordan. It was quite the fabulous time, I love all my cousins and I don't really understand how people can dislike family... But I mean, everyone has different situations so it's understandable. Boxing day was spent at Table Mountain with my entire family, plus Ben Smale and my cousin Coryn. [Yeah I know, it's strange that Ben came, but he pretty much always does] It was SO MUCH FUN! The weather was awesome, and I got to try out my new jacket and whatnot. Ben is always super fun to hang out with.. And we came out of the day with a few good inside jokes.. "Why don't you break another binding!?", "Why don't you lose another iPod!?!" ahaha.. Too much fun.. We bicker like an old married couple, which is cool. Now I'm totally looking forward to going on Jan 27 with Jackie and everyone, it should be fantasmic! Um... Oh yeah, New Years. Well, you all know I just really hate New Years in general.. And this year once again solidified that hatred. But that's okay, everyone else had a great time which is really what mattered... And I was glad to have to work the next day. Now school has began again, and everything is back to semi-normal.. Almost. later days.