Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Yesterday was a great day! School was interesting (we got to watch some... well basically dutch porn in Sociology, but that's not why I'm posting). I told some of you about my date with the bouncer, some of you I didn't but that's okay, you get to hear about it now. First though, I'll give you some background information. I met the the bouncer two Saturdays ago through Jackie (she works with him at co-op) at the Pat. I thought he was pretty hot, kinda of short but generally just hot and nice haha. I figured if he would show interest in anyone it would be either Jackie (because he already knows that she's awesome) or Michelle (for obvious reasons I don't need to point out), so I just passed it off as nothing and went about my business. Well apparently he found me extremely cute, which Jackie promptly told me during that night and well, I was flattered. So at the end of the night I said it was nice to meet him and we went home. Sometime this past week Jackie told us that we had to go back to the Pat just this past Saturday and to be perfectly honest, I was kind of excited to go back. I mean, if he thought that I was cute there was no harm in... becoming cuter was there? Well anyway back to the story. Michelle and I showed up at about 10 and it was pretty dead in there, but being the amazing fun-havers that we are just sort of pissed around. The bouncer came to the smoke doors at about 10:30 and I worked up the nerve to go talk to him. He didn't remember me, ouch. But it was understandable, I was wearing my glasses and my hair up, so no harm no foul. He finally figured out who I was and promptly told me that I'm much cuter with my glasses on and my hair up. The night progressed, and after much flirting he asked me if I wanted to do something sometime.. uh.. DUH of course I did. So he got my number and whatnot and we made plans for monday. Okay, so here is the actual date. I went over to his place at 6pm and we went for a fairly long walk up and down the river, just asking each other questions and telling each other stories. It was really sweet. I found out that he is actually good friends with Chris Barkway. For those of you who understand what that means, yeah, we were both pretty weirded out by that. We got back to his place, and decided to watch a movie. What movie did we watch you ask? Scarface. Haha which was totally awesome because I definately have never seen it before. And what did we do during the entire movie? Talk more. He is such a sweetheart, he told me about how he grilled Jackie about me and other things that I won't mention. After Scarface was done it was about 10pm so we decided to watch another movie, and he asked me to come to his Christmas party thing for the Pat with him.. We watched Dazed and Confused. He picked that one because I told him that I loved it. Awww. And there was actual physical contact during that movie! We actually cuddled, and it was fantastic. Anyway, the night ended and he walked me to my car, it was completely innocent and adorable. I think he's exactly what I need right now.. and I'm seeing him again on Wednesday... Sigh.. later days..


Maureen said...

Chris Barkway. Bigger guy? Lives on a street in the North Side that starts with an 'S'? That name sounds so familiar and if he is who I think he is..funny story about that.

Maureen said...

Yup. Pretty sure it's the same guy. Definatley dated him for 4 days in grade 11. Oh man...akward.

Kate said...

That's so wierd that he's friends with Barkway. I'm wierded out by that fact. Otherwise I'm happy for you and I think that he will be good for you! I want to meet him sometime though. I promise not to embarrass you too much. Just the regular amount that best friends are required to do when meeting a new boy.

Chelle said...

lol i'm with kate.
plus i think he needs to see you drunk, and singing. then our job will be good...

Jordan Diederichs said...

I WILL embarass you Sara, I think it's time to bust out the ol' boyfriend initiation test that Andrew and I made up.

Yes indeed.

Kate said...

Time for a new post, Madame.