Wednesday, April 12, 2006


aarg! so much free time!! wtf am i supposed to do with it all.. because currently all i've been doing is.. eating.. and sleeping.. haha its rank.. this can not be good for my body fat. well my first final was on monday.. it was pretty good! you know.. in and out in under an hour.. thats pretty impressive.. something to crow about.. .. i hope i get about a 65% on it.. cause thats what it feels like.. a 65%'er. yep.. blech.. now my next one is on the 22.. english.. blarg.. lol.. then bio on the 26 im going to shit the bed on that one.. as will likes to say.. haha .. anyway.. its off to work for me!! tah!


jamie* said...

Haha... yay for being worried about go ing home so quickly from a final lol.

Kate said...

I can't wait for finals to be done. your next one is my last one. but on Tuesday... IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! .... also known as the most exciting day of your life. or really anyone's life. even if they don't know me.