Thursday, April 06, 2006

sick and tired

i'm just sick and tired of people.. people and their problems that i don't care about.. why does everyone come to me with every little thing that has happened in their life? if i'm not involved, then trust me.. i really don't care.. and if i don't ask.. i didn't want to know.. at all! god.. everything is so stressful at this point of the year, finals.. work.. friends fighting.. i mean we have known each other forever.. why can't we just cut the shit and forget about it! christ. somehow when we all got into university everyone turned into ultimate bitch mode.. and don't even get me started on all the shit thats being going on with carter.. i mean.. i love him, i really do.. i'm just fed up with everyone right now.. and i can't escape it because my sister took my car.. i just want to go for a nice long drive and tune everything out for like.. ever.. but i can't do that.. .. i mean today after school was awesome! i went shopping with kate, tj and devin.. and i haven't seen those boys in forever! we went looking for shirts and just goofed around for about an hour and a half.. i bought a purse.. we got curly fries... and all in all it was a great time! as soon as i got home, it was back to this weird depression again, i just want to get away from my house.. go for a super long walk or something, and never come back! so right now i have the my chemical romance pumped in my headphones just chilling out. the only escape from relality that i can get right now, which is too bad... but i'll deal. peace out team.


Jordan Diederichs said...

Sara, I know what you mean about everyone fighting and turning into "frigga-bitch" mode this year. Whats up with that. Also, know that you don't always just have to listen everyone else complain, if you need to talk, your firends are all here for ya.

Alex said...

Hey Sara,

Cool blog. Read mine.

Oh btw, this isn't social networking. It's a blog.

Kick you know who in the junk. Twenty three times.
