Sunday, April 16, 2006


well tonight was an interesting night to say the least.. haha i worked until 9:30.. which was crappy as usual.. but hey.. what you gonna do right? money is money.. anyway.. after work i called michelle like i said i was going to.. it turns out Nick [her cousin and my good friend] is in town for easter [he lives in calgary] and they wanted to go out to the bar and possibly kareokee. well at first i wasn't really up to it because those of you who know my track record of getting into bars.. its not good.. since i couldn't get into the pat i pretty much stopped trying.. but i went anyway.. well.. we went to buds on broadway.. and at the door we [michelle and i] were asked for id.. SOMEHOW me saying yes i have some and then not showing the bouncer it.. got me in.. i have no friggen idea how that worked.. but yes.. it did. lol so nick bought me a porn star and we played pool for a little bit. [we being sean and i] i certainly did not intend on getting drunk tonight [which i didn't by the way.. that porn start was the only thing i had all night]... after we got bored of buds.. we decided to go to Crackers.. to sing some kareokee.. which was hilarious.. i was being the DD for some guy i just met.. and nick was in the back of the truck and falling everywhere.. peeing while i stopped at a stop sign... and then finally peeing on himself.. it was a grand old time.. haha yikes.. well we finally got to Crackers.. which is like.. a friggen.. 30 second walk from my house.. wtf mate.. and it was so easy to get into.. like.. no bouncer.. just walk in and order a drink which i didn't by the way because as we all remember i was being sober.. haha.. it was super fun.. we sang friends in low places.. and its rank close to my house.. what more could you want? .. anyway.. its easter tomorrow.. so happy easter everyone! love you all!!


jamie* said...

Haha. Party Hardy darlin!
Told you you'd get out and have some fun! *hugs*

EllyzR said...

drunk people in trucks are freaking hillarious. sounds like a gooood night!
You n me, def partying when i am home! :)

Kate said...

You forgot the best part of the night... when I showed up! hahaha jk it was for like what, 2 minutes? I'm thinkin we should go to Cracker's again sometime soon... like maybe the 23rd or something. Sometime post-finals where we can get trashed, sing karaokee and then stumble back home. I'm liking how close it is! Later darlin!