Monday, April 17, 2006

climbing schools!!

so tonight at about.. 10:20 i get a phone call from Jordan.. and well i was already in bed.. all washed up... in my PJ's.. and reading my book.. for about 20 minutes before he called.. wanting me to come out with him and Andrew.. and damn.. am i ever glad i did.. it was so much fun.. first we went and climbed onto lawson heights elementary school.. which was great.. i threw a huge rock into the playground and whatnot.. really cool i enjoyed it.. then.. oh then.. we decided to go and climb marion graham.. which was much more of a challenge.. haha.. it turns out they have a whole shit load of new cameras around.. so where they usually climbed.. we couldn't get up that way.. at least not this time.. next time.. shaving cream.. haha but on with our story.. near the bike rack there was a perfect place to get up onto the school.. but we needed something to stand on.. so we found one lone thing in the field.. [you know one of those like.. football thingers? that they push really rank and like yeah.. those] and propped it up against the wall.. andrew got up first.. then i went up.. [wearing really tight jeans so my ass crack was like.. waaaaaaay out there.. haha but anyhow.. jordan boosted me up and we went climbing! and holy shit is there ever alot of cool stuff up there.. all the skylights and like.. weird thingers.. yeah its really neat.. including some like.. methane heater that we all stood around.. lol we so smelled like methane.. but anyway.. we were trying to get some like ladder thing.. when some chicks drove by in a car and were like 'holy shit there's people on that school! see them?' and well.. we were fucked.. haha we ran back to where we got up.. and with much trial and tribulation we got down... with lots of ass cracking too i might add.. [never wearing those effing pants again.. haha dang.] after that we went to Tim Hortons and visited Becca who was working.. i got an Iced Cap and a caramel doughnut? i dunno whatever.. and we talked for like 40 minutes about our fears when we were kids and our obsessive compulsiveness.. and as a cameo Mary was at Tim Hortons with a guy named Eric, that we talked to for a little bit.. after that we drove around.. and tried to get onto River Heights.. which they could easily but you had to like shimmy up this pipe thing? and i almost did it.. next time.. grippy shoes.. and stretchy pants.. haha.. all in all it was a pretty great night.. and i plan to do it way more often!! haha later days!


Jordan Diederichs said...

Word Up Sara, next time we are so getting you onto River Heights, hahaha. Good Times.

jamie* said...

Haha, oh Sara.

How'd you get talked into such crazy antics.

Heck.. crazy antics always make you forget about stupid petty things for a while.
Don't you worry about Carter. That'll pass... I'm sure he didn't mean it like that...
I HEART YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!