Saturday, April 22, 2006


english exam was today! i was done in an hour and a half.. and waited another hour for becca.. lol what a waste of my life!! but not really.. because i love her. haha.. woooo three days until carter comes home! im excited. so eff you all. i can be excited if i want! hrm hrm hrm.. more randomness... im having a bio study blitz with kyle all day and night on monday.. its going to be rank.. cause i have to pick carter up from the airport tuesday.. lol i'm sure going to look like hell. but he doesn't care. lol he loves me anyway.. blarg blarg blarg! what to do tonight.. hrm hrm.. go to a movie? i don't want to be out too late cause i have to get up early to get my movie from my friggen history tutorial leader! since he wasn't fucking there today!! oh man.. so pissed is what i am! god! but w/e i'm over it.. just as long as he is there tomorrow.. or i'll stab him i'm pretty sure! damn. haha oh well it happens! and tomorrow i have to work as well.. 1-6 at grand old safeway.. what a drag. then study.. yes yes.. studying will be good i think!.. hopefully.. because i NEED to pass this exam.. holy eff do i ever.. just to pass the class haha.. shit. blarg... so full of random energy tonight hyper hyper.. i think michelle is going to phone me after work.. but thats at like 12.. eff that i don't want to go out at 12.. try come home because i have to be up early. yes.. thats right. hrm hrm hrm.. okay i'm officially bored.. i'm going to find something to do.. later days.


jamie* said...

remember Sara...

they WILL bow down to your superior mind...

Chelle said...

darling. lol i got off work at 11... and thats okay. Clay demanded i come over.